University housing staff offers a checklist of the items you shouldn't forget when packing for college

The calendar seems to be racing through summer to the start of back- to-school and fall rituals including move-in days, when campuses at Rutgers will become bustling centers of activity packed with students once again. 

In preparation for the rite of passage that is living in on-campus housing, check out the list below of what to pack for your home away from home from Student Affairs at Rutgers University-New Brunswick.

"We’re eagerly looking forward to our new and returning Scarlet Knights rejoining our campus community this fall semester,'' said Salvador B. Mena, senior vice chancellor for the student experience. "Our students bring such vibrancy and energy to our campus, and we are committed to providing them with a meaningful college experience.''

Before you start shopping one word of advice: check with your roommate to decide who will bring shared items like a rug or television to avoid duplication. Bring items that will help you personalize your room, but don’t feel you have to bring everything all at once. 

Move-in tips are also available online from Rutgers-Newark, Rutgers-Camden and Rutgers-New Brunswick's FAQ page

What to Bring: 

  • Cell Phone and Charger 
  • First-Aid Kit 
  • Prescription Medications 
  • Essential Documents 
  • Sheets and Pillows 
  • Comforter and Blanket 
  • Alarm Clock 
  • Swimsuit 
  • Athletic Clothes 
  • Laundry Bag 
  • Under-the-Bed Storage 
  • Ironing Board and Iron 
  • Shoe Rack 
  • Umbrella and Raincoat 
  • Winter Clothes 
  • Winter Boots, Hats, and Gloves 
  • Sunglasses 
  • Vacuum 
  • Cleaning Supplies 
  • Towels and Washcloth 
  • Bathrobe 
  • Shower Shoes 
  • Hygiene Products 
  • Shower Caddy 
  • Hair Dryer 
  • Comb and Brush 
  • Television and Coaxial Cable 
  • Laptop and Charger 
  • Office Supplies 
  • Calculator 
  • Floor or Bedside Lamp 
  • Surge Protector 
  • Fan 
  • Posters and Decorations 
  • Snacks 
Here is an important tip before investing money and time in shopping and packing: roommates should discuss dividing the responsibility for bringing certain items, such as televisions, rugs and audio equipment before arriving for the start of the semester.
Nick Romanenko/Rutgers University

Some additional items are needed if you are moving into on-campus apartments: 

  • Plates and bowls 
  • Cups and Utensils  
  • Pots and Pans  
  • Toilet Paper 
  • Bath Mat
  • Paper Towels  
  • Tissues  
  • Hand Soap  
  • Coffee Maker  
  • Tea Kettle  
  • Groceries 
  • Air Fryer (allowed in apartments but not traditional residence halls)
Move In Day
Don't forget the basics including the clothes you will need until the first trip home.
Nick Romanenko

What Not to Bring: 

  • Pets  
  • Candles or Incense  
  • Refrigerator  
  • Toaster  
  • Hot Plate   
  • Air Conditioner  
  • Weapons of any kind 
  • Fireworks 
  • Grill and Charcoal  
  • Lighter Fluid  
  • Halogen or Oil Lamps 
  • Heaters 
  • Hoverboards  
  • Drones